New Year Notes (dear daughters episode 15)

How are you feeling about those new year resolutions? Already tired underneath the weight? Yeah, I’ve felt it too.

That’s why I’m trying something a little kinder and more centered on this truth: Only God knows the future you. Resolutions, best efforts and inspiration will wane. So when it does, the best new prayer is …

As You wish

Totally got that from The Princess Bride. Not at all concerned about the fact that I somehow made dialogue from a comedy into a prayer. Because this year, I’d love contentment with God to win over any and every best idea or goal I have for my life. I’m digging deep into ‘as You wish’ and ‘Your kingdom come’ in my life. I talk about that and a few other thingsย today on the podcast.

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Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. ~ Matthew 6:10

Journal notes: May 2017 be …

The people close to you, need your best love and attention.

More journal notes: Are you are leader or gather or implementor or gatherer?

“That day she was amazed to discover that when he was saying as you wishย what he meant was I love you.”